Escape To L.A.

Los Angeles, California: I’d never been to L.A. let alone ridden my bike there…. I was apprehensive about both experiences. A Christmas road trip ensued that would see us rolling down an empty Sunset Boulevard on the 25th of December – surreal! A city that’s so closely associated with heavy traffic congestion and urban sprawl …

Northern California – Bikes, beers, burritos & BodyFit

Northern California seemingly has it all…. Preconceptions of multi-lane highways with congested traffic fade quickly when scenic, single lane roads are discovered. Twisty, off cambered bends, dive off the side of the hillside… the roads are non-uniformed making it all the more fun. Steep gradients lead to high-speed descents… The scent of eucalyptus is in …

Sulle strade della West Coast

Sulle strade della West Coast Quando rientro da un’avventura, mi capita spesso di ritrovarmi assorta per ore cercando di trattenere e fissare nella memoria momenti e situazioni che hanno caratterizzato e reso la mia esperienza unica e comunque sempre singolare. Mi piace illudermi che più ci penso, e più tutto quello che è stato vissuto …